Anime test for otakus
līdz mrdangerous
5 jautājumi
1. What anime movie won a Grammy ?
a Demon slayer the movie
b Spirited away
c Psychic school wars
d I want to eat your pancreas
2. What anime has the most episode and series ?
a One piece
b Dragon ball z
c Sazae san
d Naruto shippuden
3. Which anime has the best villains ?
a Dragon ball z
b Naruto
c Fate zero
d Plunderer
4. Who is the most recognizable character in anime ?
a Naruto
b Goku
c Anti spiral
d Pickachu
5. What two cause the most destructive battle in anime ?
a Naruto and sasuke
b Jiren and goku
c Simon and anti spiral
d Zenos and one punch man