Quizz sur instagram et l'inventeur d'instagram.
līdz lisa zanimacchia
10 jautājumi
1. What it's the name of the inventor ?
a Mark Zuckernberg
b Kevin Systrom
2. Kevin had brothers and sisters ?
a One sisters and one brother
b Two sisters
c Any brothers and sisters
3. When Kevin got married ?
a The 31 October 2015
b The 12 novembre 2012
c The 9 avril 2012
4. Where Kevin was born ?
a In New York
b In Los Angeles
c In Holliston
5. What it's his nationality ?
a Canadian
b American
c French
6. When Instagram was created ?
a The 6 october 2010
b The 21 october 2010
c The 19 december 2010
7. Who can access to Instagram ?
a Only the canadian
b Only the american
c Everybody in the world
8. When Instagram was assossied to Facebook ?
a The 31 October 2015
b The 9 avril 2012
9. Kevin grew up in a...
a Modest family
b In a rich family
c In a poor
10. Who is the wife of Kevin Systrom ?
a Britney Spears
b Nicole Schwetz