Quizz about Instagram
līdz Laura Lesueur
10 jautājumi
1. What is a name of invention ?
a Google
b Microsoft
c Instargram
2. What is the name of his sister ?
a Agathe systrom
b Nicole systrom
c Katelyn Systrom
3. What is the high school?
a Middlesex school
b Index school
4. Who is his wife ?
a Katelyn Systrom
b Nicole systrom
c Douglas Systrom
d Diane sysytrom
5. What is the fonction of this invention ?
a Published photos
b Published videos
c Published photos and videos
6. How many person create this invention ?
a 2
b 3
c 5
d 1
7. How many pourcent use this invention outside the US ?
a 45
b 57
c 75
d 100
8. What is the advantages of Instagram ?
a Find people
b Meet people
c See people and find pople
9. Where is his University ?
a Stanford
b London
c Paris
d Los Angeles
10. What he got of CFDA ?
a Media
b Founder's Award
c Media Award, Founder's Award, Swarovski Award