3KMK Thanksgiving
#PardonedTurkey #TurkeyPresentation2018 #Peas&Carrots #Srory/History #PilgrimsDecoded
līdz Lélé13
15 jautājumi
1. How is called the turkeys ?
a Peas and Carrots
b Peass and Carotts
c Carrot and Peas
d Apple and candy
2. Which is the turkey who to win the vote ?
a Peas
b Carrot
c Peass
d Carrots
3. On which social network was made the vote ?
a Facebook
b Twitter
c Twiter
d Instagram
4. The ceremony is called :
a The presidential turkey pardoning
b The presidential turkey pardoning ceremony
c The pardoning turkey ceremony
d The pardoning turkey ceremony presidential
5. Where will go the turkey before the ceremony ?
a 3 star hotel
b Hotel
c 5 star hotel
d White House
6. Why the president of America pardons a turkey ? Because...
a A million and millions of turkey are killed
b A billion and billions of turkey are killed
c A thousand turkey dies every year
d A thousand turkey dies every month
7. What do turkeys do at the hotel ?
a Watch a movie and eat a popcorn
b Get a massage and go to the spa and sleep in luxury bed
c Eat luxury dishes
d They sleep and eat
8. The turkeys that are pardoned ...
a Will to be killed
b Will to be eating
c Will to be burned
d Will go on a farm
9. Peas is fan the....
a Brad paisley
b Elvis
c Brad paisly
d Carrots
10. Carrots is fan the ...
a Brad paisley
b Peas
c Elvis
d Brad paisly
11. Carrots love to eat ..
a Carrots
b Peas
c Popcorn
d M & M's
12. Peas loves to eat ...
a Popcorn
b Peas
c Carrots
d Turkey
13. Peas practises ..
a Yoga
b Telemark snow skiing
c Ice fishing
d Football
14. The pastime of Carrots is ..
a Watching planes
b Yoga
c Football
d Ice fishing
15. Peas wants to ...
a Learn to fly
b Meet virginia tech hookiebird
c Learn fly
d Learn of fly