For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)

8 spēlētāji
  1. I have been to NY "....." 2004
    I have been to NY "....." 2004
    • For
    • Since
  2. John Figerald Kennedy has been "....."
    John Figerald Kennedy has been "....."
    • For
    • Since
  3. Nelson Mandela has been a prisonner "....." 27 years.
    Nelson Mandela has been a prisonner "....." 27 years.
    • Since
    • For
  4. Christophe Colomb has discovered America "....." 1742.
    Christophe Colomb has discovered America "....." 1742.
    • For
    • Since
  5. The iPad has been created "....." 2010.
    The iPad has been created "....." 2010.
    • For
    • Since
  6. The has been a good student "....." university.
    The has been a good student "....." university.
    • Since
    • For
  7. It has never rained in PACA "....." 2 month.
    It has never rained in PACA "....." 2 month.
    • For
    • Since
  8. The first mobile-phone has been created "....." a few years ago.
    The first mobile-phone has been created "....." a few years ago.
    • For
    • Since
  9. Pearl harbor has been attacked "...." 1941.
    Pearl harbor has been attacked "...." 1941.
    • Since
    • For
  10. The first Hollywood studio has been opened "....." 1850.
    The first Hollywood studio has been opened "....." 1850.
    • For
    • Since
Essaye de faire masse point et après on en parle.
  • Izveidots 19/05/2017
  • Publicēti 19/05/2017
  • Grozījumi 19/05/2017
  • Grūtības Vidējais
  • Jautājumi 10
  • Tēma Ārzemju kultūra

Jums ir izvēle starp 3 dizaina veidiem:

  • Oranžs
  • Zils
  • Light
Poz. Spēlētājs Punktu skaits Chrono Datums
Pēc klasifikāciju
For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
līdz matthias le malade
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
līdz tototeaches
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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For or Since ? (Br,am,ju)
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6 spēlētāji