Tecnologia e educação

4 spēlētāji
  1. What's the good thing about technology ?
    • There is no positive point
    • Some inventions make life easier
    • Technology helps raise my children
    • Technology does not harm the environment
  2. What are the negatives of technology ?
    • There is no negative point
    • Some inventions make life easier
    • The technology has taken away the employment of many people, since the human labor has been replaced by the machines
    • Technology makes my day easier
  3. What is educational technology ?
    • An area of ​​study that is concerned with the design of teaching and learning opportunities.
    • It is a technology that helps underprivileged children
    • It is a technology that helps underprivileged children
    • A technology that takes care of the environment
  4. Who invented the technology ?
    • John Napier
    • Hedy Lamarr
    • No one invented the technology, the technology already existed and each time is getting better
    • Alexander Graham Bell
  5. What is technological education ?
    • It is a new way educational surveys
    • Technological education is the modality of education exercised by Brazilian institutions
    • An area that studies the development of people with disabilities
    • A modality of different ways of arriving at an institution
  6. Why technology is increasingly important in education ?
    • To use new discoveries !
    • For the evolution of the human being
    • Technology is changing the way we produce, consume, relate, and even, as we exercise our citizenship
    • Today we use technologies to educate
  • Izveidots 25/09/2018
  • Publicēti 27/09/2018
  • Grozījumi 28/09/2018
  • Grūtības Vidējais
  • Jautājumi 6
  • Tēma Kompānija

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